Title 1 Overview

Kindergarten, first and second grade students spend part of their time working with Fundations. This phonics based program provides the students with a firm foundation in phonics and word attack skills. Fundations is also used by the classroom teacher during word instruction. http://fundations.com
The HCES Title One team utilizes the Heggerty's Phonological Awareness curriculum for all grade levels to ensure that our students are phonemically aware. Each teacher works to pair a phonics skill with a decodable/readable text to promote effective decoding.
What does the Science of Reading mean for Parents?
Click the link below to access our annual Title 1 meeting slideshow. You may also access the video via Class Dojo.
Annual Title 1 meeting announcement:
Haw Creek Elementary Annual Title 1 Presentation
Phonological Awareness Resources for Parents
School Improvement Dates 2024-2025
Location: Media Center
Time: -2:45-3:45
August 29
September 19
October 17
November 21
January 23
February 27
March 20
April 24
May 15