Instructional Support


Instructional Support is a vital part of the educational environment. Instructional support services at Pisgah Elementary include: AIG, ESL, Guidance, Library Services, Special Education, Music, PE, and Title I. The Instructional Support staff works with the classroom teacher on a regular basis to enrich learning for all students.

Instructional Support Staff 

Tara Ross-Mowrey 

Melody Davis

Title I
Sara Moore

Rhonda Sizemore

Jennifer Anderson & Peter Wilbur

Christy Oehm & Mary Hunnicutt

Katie West


Maryann Manis

Report Bullying

Buncombe County Schools strives to foster a climate of respect and personal responsibility among students, and does not tolerate bullying in any form. Anyone with knowledge of a situation involving bullying can either report the incident to school officials, or if preferred, may report the situation anonymously by calling our  Anti-Bullying Hotline at 775-2334  or 225-5292  to leave a message, or by completing the online form at the link below.

All calls or completed forms will be addressed by school officials within two business days. Thank you for your concern and assistance in providing our students with a positive learning experience.

Is it bullying or conflict? Bullying has 3 components.

  1. Intent to harm

  2. Imbalance of Power
    Including race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sex, age, socioeconomic status, academic status, gender identity, physical appearance, sexual orientation, pregnancy, physical development or sensory disability or by association with a person who is perceived to have one or more differences.

  3. Repeated over a period of time (or one time and extremely severe.)

Click here to report bullying