
We wanted to share this story that aired last night on WLOS 13. As many of you know the T.C Roberson baseball team goes above and beyond for our students and our school. At each of their home games one of our students throws out the first pitch to start the game. The student then gets to sit in a designated and accessible seating area built by the baseball team and gets to choose anything they want to eat from the concession stand. Not only do they make this night special for our students, they have donated thousands of dollars to PEP over the years.

In typical Teresa Hudson fashion, she declined to be interviewed for the story. She id key in coordinating this opportunity along side the baseball coach and has only missed a handful of games over the past 10+ years. Thank you Teresa Hudson for making this such a special night for our students.

Lastly, We invite all of you to attend tonight’s Regional final at the TC baseball field. The team is playing for a chance to go to the state championship. After all they have given to us, it would be great to see as many PEP faces as possible sitting in the “PEP DECK”.

Check out the link to the story here.