The TCR FCCLA Mistletoe Market is Saturday, November 4th, 8:30 am - 4 pm, and we will be offering a variety of items made by our exceptional PEP classes to sell at our PEP Partners table. We would also love to offer handmade items donated by our PEP families. Do you have a knack for knitting, a passion for painting, a joy for making jewelry, or any other creative craft? If so, and you would like to donate some items with proceeds going directly back to PEP, please have your donations to your child's school by Wednesday, November 1st.
Additionally, we would love to have some of our students at the Mistletoe Market representing PEP. If you are available to bring your child and volunteer for any amount of time, please respond to this email so we may plan accordingly.
As always, if you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to reach out!
In the spirit,
Maria Askea (
PEP Partners, President